Monday, March 20, 2023
Dr. Shannah Eggers is an environmental epidemiologist and microbiome researcher, transitioning from her postdoctoral fellowship in EMPH to an Assistant Professor of Epidemiology at the University of Iowa College of Public Health. She completed her BS in Microbiology (2012) and her PhD in Population Health & Epidemiology (2018) from the University of Wisconsin – Madison. Her work focuses on understanding the role of the gut microbiome between environmental chemical exposures and human health outcomes.
Title of Talk: Lone wolf or pack member? Identifying Gut Microbial Cliques
Integrating microbiome research into environmental epidemiology has been challenging. Simplifying the gut microbiome into a single outcome that fits neatly into statistical models forces the loss of nuance in understanding the biochemical relationships happening under the surface. While some bacterial taxa can operate in isolation, some rely heavily on biochemical products from other bacteria in their environment. Current analytical methods focus on identifying associations between environmental exposures and either single bacterial taxa or the microbiome in its entirety, ignoring these multi-bacteria relationships or microbial cliques. This seminar will present novel analytical approaches to identify nuanced relationships between prenatal metal exposure and the gut microbiome in an environmental epidemiology framework. This series of work is a joint endeavor with Dr. Vishal Midya.
Time: Mar 20, 2023 12:00 PM Eastern Time
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