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Join the 2022 TeamCindy 5K Run for Research!
As a global leader in the prevention, treatment, and research of brain aneurysms, the Cerebrovascular Center at Mount Sinai and The Friedman Brain Institute are proud to support the TeamCindy 5K Run for Research, a fundraising arm of the Brain Aneurysm Foundation that raises awareness of the importance of early detection for brain aneurysms while also providing grants to support critical research endeavors.
TeamCindy honors the life of Cynthia Lynn Sherwin and promotes widespread awareness of the dangers of a ruptured brain aneurysm, the sudden and silent killer that took her life and the lives of thousands of others each year.
Whether you plan to run, walk, or simply donate, we thank you for contributing to our team! Together, we can work to raise awareness of brain aneurysms and end fear for patients.
JOIN OUR TEAM: https://give.bafound.org/site/TR;jsessionid=00000000.app20113a?team_id=8411&fr_id=2221&pg=team&NONCE_TOKEN=4AC705062CC9CA2F115197F498DA2AB2
Students & Postdocs Volunteer Opportunity
Interested in volunteering? Email mindatsinai@gmail.com if you are interested in volunteering to staff the FBI/MiNDS booth or running/walking with MiNDS and you will receive a free MiNDS t-shirt on the day of the event!
Saturday, September 17th | 9:30 am
Location: Riverside Park
For more information contact FBInews@mssm.edu.

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