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Nicole C. Deziel, PhD, MHS is an Associate Professor in Environmental Health Sciences at the Yale School of Public Health. Dr. Deziel obtained a Master’s of Industrial Hygiene and Doctorate in Environmental Health from the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. Her research is focused on applying statistical models, biomonitoring techniques, and environmental measurements to provide comprehensive and quantitative assessments of exposure to traditional and emerging environmental contaminants in population-based studies. Her research uses a combination of large, administrative datasets and detailed community-focused studies to advance understanding of environmental exposures to chemicals, particularly carcinogens and endocrine disruptors.. Dr. Deziel's contributions have been directed at two main areas: (1) exposure and human health impacts of unconventional oil and gas development (“hydraulic fracturing”) and (2) residential exposure to chemicals in common consumer products (e.g., pesticides, flame retardants) and cancer risk (particularly thyroid cancer). In addition, she consider disproportionate burdens of exposures (“environmental justice”) and the combination of environmental and social stressors in the context of her work.


Dr. Deziel has over 100 peer-reviewed research articles published or under review in the field’s high-impact journals, such as Environmental Health Perspectives, Environment International, and Environmental Science & Technology. Her research has led to several honors, including the 2017 Joan M. Daisey Outstanding Young Exposure Scientist from the International Society for Exposure Science, the 2020 Yale Cancer Center Population Sciences Award, and the 2022 Yale School of Public Health Preventing the Next Public Health Threat Prize. She has served on numerous review panels for the US Environmental Protection Agency, National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health, and California Geologic Energy Management Division, and delivered invited testimony before the Senate Budget Committee. Nicole is an Executive Editor for the Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology, Associate Editor for Environment International, and past member of the National Academy of Sciences Standing Committee on Emerging Science for Environmental Health Decisions.


Title of Talk: Environmental Exposures and Pediatric Cancer: The Case for Hydraulic Fracturing and Hormone Disruptors


Environmental factors are implicated in an estimated 15% of childhood cancers. In this presentation, I will describe two research projects evaluating environmental exposures in relation to pediatric cancer risks. First, I will present on unconventional oil and gas development (UOGD), a complex industrial process that can release a multitude of hazards including air pollution, water contamination, seismic activity, psychosocial stress, and migration of transient workers into the community. I will describe findings from an inter-disciplinary research project evaluating potential exposures and childhood leukemia risk among children living near UOGD sites. Second, I will discuss the increasing incidence in thyroid cancer among both adults and children, for which the etiology remains obscure. I will share results from research examining numerous exposures to thyroid hormone disrupting environmental stressors including flame retardants, polychlorinated biphenyls, pesticides, and air pollution in relation to thyroid cancer risk in adults and/or children.






Time: Jan 15, 2025 12:00 PM Eastern Time


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Meeting ID: 953 0183 5068

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